It's a movie about this group of teenagers exploring a game named, Stay Alive. After playing, they realised 2 of the friends had died; and died the same way they died in the game earlier on. Then they realised.. You must continue the game and defeat Elizabeth Bathory if not, the game will continue on its own and you'll die the same way you died in the game.. Chelsia did a research on Elizabeth Bathory and was shocked to find out that Elizabeth Bathory was ever alive.
Who is Elizabeth Bathory?
As suggested in my Blog Title, she was given a lot of names. She was greatly known as one of the earliest Vampires from 17th century. She was born on 7th August 1560, died in 1614. So, what is so special about her?

Countess(DEF: a wife/widow of a earl) Elizabeth had been torturing young girls for her own pleasures. She was a vain woman and was afraid of looking old. One day, when she slapped one of the young servant for combing her hair too hard and found blood on her palm. The blood looked fresh and she believed she discovered the secret to eternal beauty.
She hunted for virgins at night, brought them back to the castle. With the help of her servants and witch(es), these innocent girls were hung alive and naked, upside-down by chains wrapped around their ankles. Their throat were slit and some were cut with scissors, pricked with pins, even prodded with burning irons or sharp spikes in a cage hung from the ceiling to provide her with a "blood shower".
Not only bathing in the pool of blood with little body heat still remained in it, she drinks them. At first she drinks from a golden flask. Slowly, as her greed for taste increases, she drinks directly from the stream as the body hung on the rafters slowly turned pale.
After about 5 years, Elizabeth thinks that this method was having little effect for her. She told herself, she needed better blood. She established an academy to take 25 girls from proper families each time to correctly finish their educations. These girls were tortured the exact way. She is reputed to having bit the poor, bound victims with her own teeth, taking bloody chunks from necks, cheeks, shoulders. . . Torches, razors, custom made silver pincers were added to her list of gruesome instruments of torture. During winter, the girls were striped naked and left out in the snow and her servants would pour ice water on them. Freezing them to death.
One testimony given by her servant during the trail:
"At one point in her life Elizabeth Bathory was so sick that she could not move from her bed and could not find the strength to torture her miscreant servant girls... She demanded that one of her female servants be brought before her. Dorothea Szentes, a burly, strong peasant woman, dragged one of Elizabeth's girls to her bedside and held her there. Elizabeth rose up on her bed, and, like a bulldog, the Countess opened her mouth and bit the girl first on the cheek. Then she went for the girl's shoulders where she ripped out a piece of flesh with her teeth. After that, Elizabeth proceeded to bite the girl's breasts."
She even hired a man to bury these bodies. After one of her "showers", she carelessly dumped 4 drained bodies off the walls of the castle. However, the bodies were seen, collected and identified. Rumours spread and the Hungarian Emperor, Matthias II, immediately ordered that the Countess be placed on public trial. But, her aristocratic status did not allow that she be arrested. So she was called to a hearing and the numbers of victims accumulated to 600.
600 divided by 40per class in a normal school = 15 Classes! That is more than a whole level of students! Sick. Elizabeth didn't admit to anything she had done. One of her witches was set free while the others were burned to death(some say beheaded) but the Countess, by reason of her noble birth, could not be executed.
Instead, she was sentenced to life imprisonment at the top of her castle. Her small room had no windows, no doors, and only a small opening in the wall to allow food to be passed through. Elizabeth did not ever utter even a single word of regret, or remorse. And no one in Hungary dared to speak of her name.
After three years, a guard looking through one of the slots saw the infamous Blood Countess lying face down on the floor of her chamber, dead.
However some articles reported said that the story of the "Blood Bath" was unsupported by the evidence of any of the witnesses. And was said to be 'tuned' to create the most vivid impression.
Whatever it is, the biography of her was very interesting and kept me looking for some links to read on.
These are some of the links I'd found that are quite detailed:
Regret to say, this review of Elizabeth Bathory is a mixture of my summary and quotes from the websites above ;D Their descriptions are so perfect, yet I didn't quote them; I'm sorry! However, you can go on to these websites and read different versions of her biography.
Do you have any other websites that elaborates more on Elizabeth Bathory? And how do you think of my review? Post a comment or mail me at (: