Yesterday Swing bought us swimwears after her sudden urge of wanting to exercise thru swimming; which was the only sport that I don't have to sweat and willing to do. Haha :D This morning woke up with a tired body though we had only an hour of swimming before the guards gave the lightning warning.
Went for driving class in the morning where its my 2nd time on road. Instructor told me that I had to arrange for 2 lessons a week so that I wouldn't waste 15minutes on calming my nervous self before I can drive normally. Now my calf muscles are aching shit. Should be the swimming and also the pressing of clutch.
Swing and I decided to go swimming every week since her sister has swimming class every week. Hope it helps to relax my calf muscles and I can control my pedals better. My instructor also said that I hold my steering wheel like I'm riding bicycle; assuming that it will brake or slow down if I held tightly on the steering wheel.
The reason I'm typing my driving process, is not for others to mock at; but rather for myself to know how much I have improved. Besides, the journey from bukit gombak back home is definitely enough for me to blog this out.
Can't wait for swimming later. I hope my nose doesn't "runs"! :)