To BabyChong:
Guess we're having a hard time trying to accept each other's characters. There are more to learn than just smooching and claim to be in love. I hope we are able to strive thru' hard times and work hard for our future. Both of our tempers havent been good but you never fail to send me home safely everynight, that makes me start worrying about you when you go home. Thanks for helping me relieve my shoulder& waist pain by massaging these couple of days. There will be more days to come for us. No, I means decades. I love you.
By the way people, please do not; I repeat, DO NOT, sms or call me nowadays cuz' my handphone is spoilt! If u know where I work, come find me. If you don't, drop a comment here. I'll be updating my blog often. Ty.
u rejected my comment... =((... haha.. lao po juz gt up and pressed de wrong button. lol.. BLUR~~ hmm.. i'll work harder for our future.. ur back is getting serious.. pray hard u'll recover soon.. seeing u suffer really hurts mi.. =( its my job to do all dis =)!u evol i
i love you too. ur back also not good. i wished i could heal u ;(
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