Days later, on my Off Day, Si ming, Baby and I headed Anchor Point and IKEA (: Anchor Point's Club Marc's items selling from $5 to $19! Lols, nothing caught my eye coz' the clothes are so damn colourful. I'm bound to look like a clown after wearing it. Lols.
Lastly, Baby Wei Wen finally can walk! How cool! She's damn cute la! Jus look!
It's a new year and what are ur resolutions? My D.class is starting next week, im gettin' all hyped up. Heading for school next year.. What else? I don't know. 7th month together is coming up, ilu (:
and to this good friend of mine, no matter what happens, we will be by you. Hope all our nagging makes an impact of ur mindset. Cuz' things seemed to look naive on you. Hais,

Please take gd care of urself!
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