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Monday, November 2, 2009

No Spoiled Brats Allowed

Over the weekend, I'd became the victim of an irresponsible parent and their beloved daughter.


I started to feel the hatred from the world towards me. Family, friends, outsiders, you yourself knows it best. To a certain extent, I do not have any evil intentions to hurt anyone in the days I had to live. The worst u can get from me is a whole load of bitching.

I just don't understand why I had to be "at fault" for something righteous in concern of everyone's safety! I don't understand why it is so hard for people to look into the heart of someone. I only understand that all of these are pushing me to a higher level of motivation to become a successful person in years to come.

I'm sorry Baby Swing, I just had to vent my anger somewhere. You should know this is sucha humiliation to my conscious. I hope you would understand how I felt.

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